Click a number!
Your goal is to figure out the value of 🍎 in the fewest steps
You will likely need more than one clue to figure it out. So take your best guess. If you get it wrong, you get another clue (and the clues get easier)
🍎 is a whole number between 1 and 6
(🍒 and 🍍 are also whole numbers between 1 and 6)
Sometimes two fruits can have the same value, so maybe 🍎 and 🍒 could both be 1 ? However, all three fruits never have the same value, so 🍎, 🍒 and 🍍 cannot all be say 6 for example.
The value of 🍎 🍒 🍍 do not vary between clues, just the number of them changes with each clue
If all else fails, by the fifth clue (your last chance), you only have 2 options - and it should be pretty easy to guess which one it is
Have a go!